About this picture...
01 & 02 Mei 2008...
Great Schedule...
Great Time...
Great Journey...
Great People...
Great adventure....
Great Memories...
I will Always remember all of You My Friend...
Bagi Anda yang baru memiliki pasangan baru memang akan merasa bahagia. Tapi apakah Anda yakin bahwa dia adalah orang yang tepat untuk menjadi pasangan Anda? Tanda terpenting yang seringkali kita mengerti mengenai pasangan hidup adalah seseorang yang seiman dan cinta Tuhan. Namun di luar itu, ada beberapa hal lain yang perlu Anda pertimbangkan yang seringkali belum menjadi masalah saat ini karena perasaan cinta yang menggebu, namun pada akhirnya bisa menjadi masalah dan Anda merasa cukup terganggu dengan hal itu. Jadi sebelum Anda mengarah pada hubungan yang lebih serius, sebaiknya Anda simak beberapa tanda bahwa dia memang bukan orang yang tepat.
Lebih Banyak Berkorban
Cinta memang butuh pengorbanan. Dalam suatu hubungan tidak boleh menghitung untung rugi. Tapi jika Anda lebih banyak berkorban sedangkan dia tenang-tenang saja, memang tidak fair. Apabila Anda mau mengorbankan waktu bersama teman-temannya, keluarga hanya untuk dia, sedangkan dia tidak pernah melakukannya untuk Anda. Maka hal ini menandakan bahwa dia bukanlah orang yang tepat.
Teman Mulai Menjauh
Sebelum dia menjadi kekasih, teman-teman mengelilingi Anda. Keadaan berubah seratus delapan puluh derajat ketika Anda menjalin cinta dengan si dia. Satu persatu sahabat Anda menghilang dan menjauh maka jangan salahkan mereka. Mungkin saja sikap mereka dilatarbelakangi oleh sikap Anda yang berubah sejak memiliki dia dan Anda bukan teman yang mengasyikan lagi.
Sahabat Enggan Membicarakannya
Saat Anda membicarakan tentang dia, ekspresi wajah dan body language sahabat Anda terlihat resah. Mulai rajin melihat jam tangan seolah dia tidak betah mengobrol berlama-lama dengan Anda. Atau setiap kali Anda menyebut nama dia dan bersemangat menceritakan betapa hebatnya si dia, sahabat Anda mengalihkan pembicaraan atau hanya menanggapi seadanya.
Hubungan Panas Dingin
Di awal hubungan, sudah pasti Anda dan pasangan sedang hangat-hangatnya. Tapi semakin hari dia berubah menjadi acuh dan dingin maka menandakan bahwa dia belum mau berhubungan serius dengan Anda. Ketika ia melihat Anda begitu serius menjalani hubungan, dia merasa tidak enak hati. Tak heran sikapnya jadi berubah seperti itu. Kalau Anda ingin hubungan yang mantap dengannya, maka Anda telah salah pilih orang.
Terlalu Banyak Usaha
Anda seringkali terlalu usaha untuk sekedar bertemu dia. Anda selalu menemukan cara untuk bisa main ke kantor dan tempat tinggalnya, entah itu sengaja makan di resto dekat kantornya, atau tiba-tiba datang ke kantornya untuk memberi sesuatu. Atau bahkan Anda rela bersusah payah mengatur perjalanan untuk bertemu dengannya di tempat dinas di luar kota. Padahal, sejujurnya dia tidak menanggapi dengan antusias semua usaha Anda itu.
Hidup Terasa Terkekang
Anda yang tadinya super aktif, independen, penuh semangat, tiba-tiba berubah menjadi orang yang tergantung dan tunduk kepadanya. Anda tidak lagi ke tempat yang diinginkan sesuka hati, atau beraktifitas sesuai minat tanpa seizin dia. Jika Anda ingin pergi ke tempat yang Anda inginkan maka ada syaratnya yaitu harus bersama dia. Pergaulan Anda pun mendapat pengawasan ketat darinya sehingga terkadang dia akan menginterogasi Anda seperti seorang polisi kepada penjahat. Apalagi saat Anda sedang makan siang bersama rekan kerja lelaki, pasti dia akan lebih memperketat kekangannya.
Berat Tubuh Susut
Berat badan Anda sebelum dan sesudah menjadi pasangannya susut 3 hingga 4 kg. Ada dua kemungkinan terjadinya penyusutan ini, Anda melakukan diet keras untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang ideal atau Anda sering tertekan memikirkan sikap dan perilakunya terhadap Anda yang seringkali menyakitkan hati.
Tidak Percaya Diri
Anda selalu merasa menyesal telah salah pilih baju, aksesori, bahkan kata-kata setiap habis bertemu dengannya. Jangan mencari-cari kesalahan sendiri, karena kehadiran seorang pasangan seharusnya menjadi pendongkrak percaya diri dan penenang diri Anda. Jadi apabila Anda merasa serba salah dan takut, sebaiknya tinggalkan dia mulai dari sekarang.
Suami / Istri Orang
Jika kekasih Anda adalah suami / istri orang, maka sudah pasti Anda salah pilih orang. Karena sudah jelas dia sudah memiliki keluarga tapi Anda masih tetap mau menjadi pasangannya. Lelaki berstatus suami orang memang sangat menarik hati, apalagi rayuannya. Tapi mereka paling senang mengobral janji, egois tanpa memikirkan perasaan Anda. Jadi untuk apa Anda menunggu dia, saat dia mengatakan akan menceraikan istrinya, sudah pasti hal itu jarang sekali terjadi. Pikirkan juga bagaimana perasaan keluarganya, bagaimana Anda menyakiti hati mereka, dan bayangkan bagaimana sakitnya Anda jika Anda berada di posisi mereka.
Jika Anda menemukan tanda-tanda ini dalam hubungan Anda saat ini, cobalah pertimbangkan kembali dengan berpikir secara jernih dan jangan lupa bawa di dalam doa. Namun jika hal itu memang bukan suatu masalah bagi Anda dan Anda yakin dapat melewatinya bersama dengan si ‘Dia', mungkin Anda dapat memutuskan untuk mempertahankan hubungan Anda dengan penuh keyakinan. Tapi tentu saja Anda harus siap dengan konsekuensinya kelak. Namun hal ini tidak berlaku bila dia adalah suami / istri orang. Karena untuk hal yang satu itu, tidak ada jalan kompromi yang dapat Anda ambil selain mengakhiri hubungan Anda saat ini juga.
Ada banyak hal yang bisa menyebabkan seseorang mengalami keguguran, di antaranya:
Gangguan kromosom. Kromosom adalah bagian penting dari semua sel yang mengendalikan sifat-sifat sel tersebut. Sperma (benih pria) serta Ovum (benih wanita) juga dikendalikan oleh kromosom ini. Dalam proses spermatogenesis (pembentukan sperma) maupun Oogenesis (pembentukan sel telur), bisa terjadi gangguan yang berakibat tidak normalnya kromosom pada sperma maupun ovum tersebut. Ketidaknormalan ini bisa berakibat sel telur dan sperma tersebut gagal dalam proses pembuahan yang berakibat suami-istri pemilik sel telur maupun sperma tersebut mengalami infertilitas. Bila terjadi pembuahan, hasil pembuahan tersebut gagal bertumbuh dengan baik dan berakhir dengan terjadinya keguguran. Bila terus bertumbuh bisa berdampak pada timbulnya kecacatan. Kecacatan disini bisa ada dua kemungkinan, pertama cacat genotipe, artinya bayi yang akan lahir memiliki sifat bawaan yang tidak normal namun secara fisik normal, yang kedua cacat fenotipe yaitu cacat yang tampak jelas secara fisik.
Gangguan anatomi atau bentuk rahim. Adakalanya seorang wanita memiliki bentuk rahim yang tidak normal sehingga mempersulit terjadinya kehamilan dan bila terjadi kehamilan mudah sekali mengalami keguguran.
Gangguan imunologis. Berbagai hasil penelitian terkini menyatakan bahwa proses implantasi (melekatnya hasil pembuahan pada dinding rahim), melibatkan berbagai proses kimiawi antara tubuh ibu dengan hasil pembuahan. Reaksi ini seringkali disebut sebagai proses imunologis (suatu istilah yang agak kurang tepat). Bila proses imunologis ini berjalan ‘normal' maka kehamilan akan terjadi, bila tidak maka akan terjadi kegagalan implantasi. Itu berarti terjadi keguguran dalam tingkat yang amat dini sehingga tidak disadari oleh yang bersangkutan.
Penyakit infeksi. Penyakit infeksi yang menyerang sistem reproduksi bisa berdampak pada timbulnya keguguran, yang sering terjadi adalah infeksi akibat toxoplasma. Karena itu melakukan pemeriksaan medis sebelum terjadinya kehamilan amat penting untuk memastikan tidak infeksi yang bisa mengancam kesehatan janin dan ibu semasa kehamilan.
Obat dan jamu. Obat dan jamu yang digunakan untuk memperlancar haid bisa berdampak pada terjadinya keguguran. Bila tidak terjadi keguguran, janin yang dikandung bisa cacat akibat obat atau jamu tersebut. Karena itu setiap wanita yang aktif melakukan hubungan seksual lalu mengalami terlambat datang bulan, tidak boleh minum obat atau jamu untuk memperlancar haid sebelum melakukan pemeriksaan medis guna memastikan keterlambatan haidnya bukan karena kehamilan.
Hubungan seksual semasa kehamilan bukanlah penyebab keguguran, namun bagi mereka yang punya riwayat keguguran pada trimester pertama kehamilannya, sebaiknya tidak melakukan hubungan pada saat itu dan menunggu kehamilan memasuki trimester kedua. Menunggu memang seringkali tidak menyenangkan. Namun ingatlah: "Untuk segala sesuatu ada masanya, untuk apapun di bawah langit ada waktunya (Pengkhotbah 3:1)". Be WiSe, always remember Wisdom for Sex Life. (draw)
Sumber : www.jawaban.com
If I get that question or someone asks me that same question, the first thing I would tell him that I really don’t need hundreds million dollars in my life. I am pretty sure when I win a very huge lottery (around hundreds millions dollars), right away, at that time, I can not close my eyes, I can not sleep very well. Of course, my heart will full with a huge happiness because I have a lot of money but I am sure beside on it, on the corner of my heart I will have a great worries. I worry about my safety, my family member’s safety. Although I will have some bodyguards, for the example. It means that my life will change drastic, from ‘freedom’ to ‘being body-guarded’. It will make me not comfortable and not enjoyable.
GOD said in His Word, “Where your treasure is, there are your heart!” So, if there are some alternatives, I would prefer to choose not hundreds million dollars, but some million dollars is just more than enough for me. I would take 10% from its net to contribute for God’s work. I also use some of my money to open new business so it will give more vacancies to everybody who needs a job. What is that? I still don’t not exactly but I think it would be connected with the Indonesian things.
What’s else? With all of my money, I would not spoiled my children and my own family. We will have the same life, regular life, with smart and hard working and let them buy their own car with their own money. With that way, I am as a parent, has given several of the greatest things in their life: They will give the respect with their owns, they will know how give the respect with the money they get, they will give the respect with their hard works. Through this way, I will shape a quality generation in my own family.
So, what will I do with the rest of my money? Beside I will save it in my Bank Account and other Bank products account, I will use those money to visit hundreds of beautiful places around the world especially in my country, Indonesia with my whole member of my family every year, also I will use those money to advance my interests and hobbies: buying a new house in safer area with large lawn, so I can create my own landscape; having nursery; having studio for my crafting, painting, etc; having sunny room so I can display my plant collections nicely there, etc.
Are they enough? No! Because in my mind, I am pretty sure that I still have many lists of things I would like to donate/contribute especially for other persons/people who really, really need a HELP.
We’ve now looked at a number of popular affiliate programs for bloggers and today I’d like to finish off this series by giving a few tips that should help bloggers get the best results out of any affiliate program that they choose to run with.
1. Consider your Audience
It almost goes without saying - but it’s worth putting yourself in your readers shoes and consider what they might be looking for as they surf by your blog. Are they shopping for specific products? Might they be looking for related products or accessories? What would trigger them to purchase? Start with your reader in mind rather than the product. If you take this approach you could end up doing your reader a favor as well as making a few dollars on the side.
2. Genuine Recommendations and personal endorsements always work best
There are literally hundreds of thousands of products and services for you to choose from to recommend to your blog’s readers but making money from them is not as simple as randomly adding links to them from your blog. Your blog’s readers come back to your blog day after day because something about you resonates with them - they have at least some level of trust and respect for you and perhaps the quickest way to destroy this is to recommend that they buy something that you don’t fully believe will benefit them.
The best results I’ve had from affiliate programs are where I give an open and honest appraisal of the product - including both it’s strengths and weaknesses. The most successful affiliate program I’m involved with here at ProBlogger is Joel Comm’s e-book which I reviewed here. If you read the review you’ll see that I not only tell readers who I believe the book is for but I also mention those it is NOT for. In a sense I critique it. On a surface level one might think that this wasn’t a wise move and that I should have given a glowing review - however the sales that I’ve had through the program have proven otherwise. People want to know what they are buying first and even if they know a product has limitations they will buy it if it meets their particular need.
3. Link to Quality Products
We all like to make sure we’re buying the best products money can buy - your readers are no different to this and are more likely to make a purchase if you’ve found them the best product for them. Choose products and companies with good reputations and quality sales pages. There is nothing worse than giving a glowing review of a product only to send your reader to a page that looks cheap and nasty.
4. Contextual Deep Links work Best
When I started using the Amazon Associate Program I naively thought that all I had to do was put an Amazon banner ad (that linked to Amazon’s front page) at the top of my blog. I thought that my readers would see it and surf over to Amazon and buy up big - thereby making me a rich man. Nothing could have been further from reality - I was deluding myself.
I always says to bloggers that I’m consulting with that they should learn something from contextual advertising when it comes to affiliate programs. The secret of contextual ads like Adsense is that a reader is reading a post on a particular topic on your blog and when they see an advertisement for that same product they are more likely to click it than if they saw an ad for something else. The same is true for affiliate programs. A banner to a general page on every page on your site won’t be anywhere near as effective as multiple links throughout your blog that advertiser products that are relevant for readers reading particular parts of your blog.
So if you’re writing a blog about MP3 players and have a review for a particular product - the most effectively affiliate program that you could link to from within the content of that page would be one that links directly to a page selling that specific model of MP3 player. This is how I use the Amazon program today. It is more work than contextual advertising because you’re not just putting one piece of code into a template but rather need to place individual links on many pages - but I find that it’s been worth the effort.
5. Consider positioning of links
One of the things I go on and on about with Adsense optimization is the positioning of ads. I tell bloggers to position their ads in the hotspots on pages (like the top of a left hand side bar - or inside content - or at the end of posts above comments etc). The same principles are true for affiliate advertising.
6. Traffic levels are Important
While it’s not the only factor - traffic levels are obviously key when it comes to making money from almost any online activity. The more people that see your well placed, relevant and well designed affiliate links the more likely it is that one of them will make a purchase. So don’t just work on your links - work on building a readership. Not only this, consider how you might direct traffic on your blog toward pages where they are more likely to see your affiliate links.
7. Diversify
without Clutter
Don’t put all your affiliate efforts into one basket. There are plenty of products out there to link to so there is no need to just work on one. At the same time you shouldn’t clutter your blog up with too many affiliate program links. If you do so you run the risk of diluting the effectiveness of your links and could disillusion your readership.
8. Be Transparent
Don’t try to fool your readers into clicking links that could make you money. While it may not always feasible to label all affiliate links I think some attempt should be made to let people know what type of link they are clicking on. I also think consistency is important with this so readers of your blog know what to expect. For example here at ProBlogger usually put a note beside or under affiliate links to simply let readers know that that is what they are. On my Digital Camera Blog I don’t do this because of the large number of such links make it clear by the text around the link that clicking on it will take them to some sort of shop or information where a purchase is possible (ie a link my say ‘buy the XXX product’ or ‘get the latest product on XXX’.
9. Combine with other Revenue Streams
Affiliate programs and advertising programs are not mutually exclusive things. I’ve come across a few people recently who have said they don’t want to do affiliate linking because it will take the focus off their Adsense ads. While there is potential for one to take the focus off the other - there is also real potential for both to work hand in hand as different readers will respond to different approaches. You should consider the impact that your affiliate links have on other revenue streams - but don’t let one stop the other.
10. Track results
Most affiliate programs have at least some type of tracking or statistics package which will allow you to watch which links are effective. Some of these packages are better than others but most will at least allow you to see what is selling and what isn’t. Watching your results can help you plan future affiliate efforts. Keep track of what positions for links work well, which products sell, what wording around links works well etc and use the information that you collect as you work plan future affiliate strategies.
What tips would you give someone getting into affiliate programs? What has worked well for you? What hasn’t? Share you experience and ideas on affiliate programs below.
Several things have happened .. strangely indeed.
1. This white-guy called me and asked me to join his team to be the programmer.. perhaps even the head programmer if I can solve things they cant solve. Hehe.. This is about a company, which is based on my calculation is a promising company which has a big.. no.. huge perspective to go international. Wait a minute! This company is already go-international.
Anyway, thanks Dad!
2. My friend.. silly friend who has no capabilities except bravery (blabbering about things he can do, yet he can’t.. sad) asked me to join his company to be (yet another) head programmer to develop websites. Which then could lead to tons of websites as I have been told that the clients are not just medium-sized companies, but also high-levels.. even those related closely to governments. Wooohhh!! Thanks again, Pop!
3. Not about company, just my writing about pirates have been selected to win the competition. Might not be that HIGH-lighted as the competitors are about 5-6. But still.. this is the first time I have won something in writing.. English writing. Sadly, it is just about a game. So instead of winning moneys, I won game items. Anyway, at least my writing quality has been classified highly. Hurrah!
Here goes the link:
These bring back old memories..
Back then, during high school, I am submitting everything to my Dad about my daily life, while I am doing things to make my Dad smiling at me.
As the result.. although I got 6 or 7 or 8 at my exam marks, surprisingly my score hits the top-rank in my class. And that was even the best result I have achieved ever, compared to my previous nerdy studying-freak guy one year before (which only achieved 2-rank)
At this time, starting from that submission.. I have learnt many things about doing things that is beyond, what people call, DREAMS.
1. Back to some years ago, during the Babylon Tower tragedy.. God’s promise is that everythings that human plans will happen accordingly.Meski begitu, aku masi aja ga kapok2 untuk pelihara tanaman. Biasanya, beberapa bulan abis ‘membunuh’ tanamanku, akan muncul lagi keinginan untuk nanam something else, walaupun udah berkali2 janji wes ga mau tanam lagiii…
So anyway, kira-kira 3 bulan yang lalu, muncullah kembali desire-ku untuk bercocok tanam lagi. Being the impulsive person I am, akhirnya beli satu pot kecil tanaman (liat photo di samping, ga tau namanya ampe sekarang, rada dodol jg sih…) which looks to be an easy-maintenance-plant. Tp berhubung saya suka ’sibuk’ (baca: lupa), tanamanku cuma minum kira2 seminggu sekali-dua kali gitu. Akhirnya daun2nya mulai rontok satu persatu sampe tinggal 2 batang doang yg tersisa berdiri di pot itu, completely daun-less!
Temen di kantor bilang katanya serbuk teh itu bisa buat pupuk. So, aku ambil 1 tea-bag dr kantor, aku tuang isinya ke pot ini, berharap bakal membantu untuk tumbuh kembali. Besoknya aku liat… ehh dahannya malah makin loyo… dan beberapa hari kemudian jadi kering dan layu!! Hopeless dah, aku dah lost interest, kayaknya gagal lagi ini. Tinggal tunggu masa2 pembuangan aja. Aku taroh di balcony, trus kelupaan for 1-2 weeks. Aku ga siramin or do anything.
Trus last week I went on holiday to HK. Again, liat tanaman2 cute, pingin pelihara lagi. (Sadis ya diriku?). Akhirnya beli pot mini tanem lavender dr biji gitu. Aku dah mikir, ini tar kalo sukses, kalo sampe gede, aku pindahin ke pot taneman yg mati itu aja. Lumayan ga perlu beli pot baru.
Waktu aku pulang dr liburan, dan mo tanemin itu lavender, I saw my old plant pot.
Lo and behold! There were four tiny leaves coming from the ground!!! WOW! Asli ga nyangka. Ternyata masi ada kehidupan!! I did not completely kill it! Hahaha… Setelah kupikir2, mungkin tanamannya itu mati gara2 aku mostly taroh di kamar, dan ga kena matahari. Kadang2 aja aku keluarin, but maybe it wasn’t enough. Trus sering lupa mengairi, sedangkan beberapa hari yg lalu hujan2 melulu, jadi di balcony itu dia juga diairi. Hasilnya, tanaman itu hidup dan tumbuh. Amazing what the sun and rain can do! Better than what I can do, apparently…. -_-
As I ponder on this, jadi mikir kalo manusia itu mirip ama tanaman ya? Seperti tanaman yang butuh matahari dan air untuk hidup dan tumbuh, kita butuh Tuhan dan firmanNya untuk hidup dan tumbuh. Aku jadi inget di Yoh 15, Yesus bilang, “Akulah pokok anggur yang benar dan Bapa-Kulah pengusahanya. Tinggallah di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam kamu. Sama seperti ranting tidak dapat berbuah dari dirinya sendiri, kalau ia tidak tinggal pada pokok anggur, demikian juga kamu tidak berbuah, jikalau kamu tidak tinggal di dalam Aku. Akulah pokok anggur dan kamulah ranting-rantingnya. “
Seringkali orang Kristen (termasuk aku sendiri) melakukan segala sesuatu pake kekuatan sendiri. Pelayanan lah, kerjaan lah, masalah lah, terlalu sering kita berusaha selesaiin pake pemikiran kita, padahal Yesus itulah pokok anggur dan kita cuma ranting. Ranting mana bisa berbuah sendiri tanpa batang? Kalo ranting dipotong lepas dari batangnya, tewas dah. Supaya kita bisa berbuah, kita harus jadikan Yesus prioritas dalam hidup kita. Masalah, pekerjaan, pelayanan, semuanya akan beres kalo kita bergantung ama Yesus. Jadikan Dia pokok anggur yg kita harus nempel terus. Jadikan Dia matahari bagi kita yg akan membuat kita tumbuh! Make Jesus the center of your life!
Dan seperti tanaman butuh nutrisi melalui air dan tanah, manusia roh kita juga butuh nutrisi melalui firman Tuhan. Ini pasti semua org Kristen dah sering dengar, terlalu sering malah… tapi memang kebenarannya itu firman Tuhan amat sangatlah penting banget sekali buat pertumbuhan rohani kita. I cannot put enough emphasis on this. Tanpa air tanaman ga akan tumbuh besar; tanpa firman, kita ga akan mature in God. Read, meditate, and apply the Word diligently!
Satu lagi yang aku belajar… Jangan menyerah! Kalau kamu jatuh dalam pencobaan, ato gagal dalam suatu hal dan ngerasa kayanya udah ga mungkin lagi tumbuh, bertahanlah! Jangan menyerah dan putus asa. Mat 12:20 berkata, “Buluh yang patah terkulai tidak akan diputuskan-Nya, dan sumbu yang pudar nyalanya tidak akan dipadamkan-Nya.” Seberapa besarnyapun kegagalan kita, gak ada yg terlalu susah untuk dipulihkan Tuhan.
Waktu aku udah ga punya harapan ama tanamanku itu, aku ga bisa ngeliat kalo sebenernya di bawah tanah itu masih ada kehidupan, kalo akar2nya masih hidup dan akan bertumbuh menghasilkan tunas baru. Sama waktu kita udah nggak bisa melihat masa depan, semua tampak suram, kita sebenernya lagi ga ngeliat aja kalo Tuhan tuh bekerja behind the scene dalam segala hal untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi kita (Rom 8:28). At the end of the day, ikut Tuhan akan selalu berakhir Happy Ending. Meski prosesnya kadang2 susah dan melelahkan, tp ending hidup kita akan selalu glorious. Itu harapan yg selalu aku pegang. So, don’t give up! Persevere always because He never leave you nor forsake you!
Let this be an encouragement for you.
Talking about ‘Prayer’, it reminds me to my beloved Father. When everyone of us (I am sure) prays for ourselves, we will go to the quite room and start to say the prayer in our heart without any words come out from our mouth, but not for him. I was always impressed every time I heard he said the prayer in his room, I could hear everything he mentioned and was always ended it with ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ (Doa Bapa Kami). Every time he prayed, it was always ended by that prayer.
Through that simple example, we should take an important learning that we should not forget the prayer that Jesus ever taught more than 2000 years ago. He taught us from that prayer, we should not be egoist to put our needs in the first place, but we should worship HIM first as God of God, Lord of the Lord then would be continued with the others as we can learn together that prayer below:
The Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)
1. Our Father in heaven, holy is Your Name. Worship Him! Whether by inner acknowledgment or outward motion, bow before the King, your Father and Shepherd, in faith, love, humility and surrender, the attitude of worship. Whisper or speak His names (some are listed in the appendix), letting them remind you of all that He is, all that He has, and all that He wants to share with you, His precious bride.
2. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Surrender to Him! Our King reigns — He always has and He always will. Today, the goodness of His kingdom is demonstrated wherever His will is known and followed. Pray that the King will reign in your heart and do His will through your life this day. (Mark 14:36, John 4:34, 5:30; Romans 12:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
3. Give us this day our daily bread. Trust Him for daily provision! Jesus, Himself the Bread of life, longs to equip you with the riches and resources of His life. When you give yourself to Him, He gives Himself to you. You become one with Him — not in the New Age sense where the human personality is absorbed into a pantheistic force — but in the privilege of sharing in His life. All that He is and has becomes available to you so that He can fulfill His purpose in you. This is covenant relationship, and it’s far more wonderful than human thoughts can conceive. (Matthew 6:33; John 6:35-63; Psalm 62:5-6; Ephesians 3:14-19)
4. Forgive us as we forgive. Thank Him for His Grace — and share it with others! God calls us to “be holy” as He is holy; nothing less can qualify us for the heavenly throne room of our King. That means there must be no hindrance to the biblical oneness between Him and you, nor between you and His other friends. (Matthew 6:14-15; Hebrews 4:14-16; James 5:16a; 1 Peter 1:16; 1 John 1:9, 3:2-3)
5. Deliver us from the evil one. Battle in prayer! Stand firm in the spiritual victories Christ won for you at the cross. They are living realities for those who belong to Him. So trust His Word and authority, then stand immovable against the enemies of the Kingdom. (Exodus 14:13; 2 Chronicles 20:6-15; Psalm 18; Matthew 16:19; Ephesians 6:10; 1 John 4:4; Revelation 12:10-11)
6. For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever! Praise Him! trust Him! The Kingdom belongs to God, but He shares its riches now and forever with His children who trust and follow Him. Unbounded grace is lavished (though we may not always recognize it) on those who love Him enough to hear His heart, share His concerns, and walk in His purpose. (Mark 11:22-24; John 15:7, 14:12-14; Philippians 4:4-7, 19; James 1:5-6, 4:3)